Thứ Sáu, 12 tháng 7, 2013

Opencart Template - Talkabout Store

Opencart Template - Moto Store
Demo Download

Template Title: Talkabout Store

Item number: 43223
Template Type: OpenCart
Author: Ares
Downloads: 4

OpenCart Engine:

OpenCart Compatibility:

Sources Available: .PSD.PNG.PHP.TPL.JS

Software Needed:
Adobe Illustrator CS+
Apache Server
Adobe Dreamweaver 8+ (or any php-editor)
For uncompressing a template ZIP package:
WinZip 9+ (Home windows)
Stuffit Expander 10+ (Mac)
PHP v. 5 or greater
MySQL 4.1.14 or later

Hosting Needed:
Server (ideally Apache)
PHP (a minimum of 5.2)

Features: Admin Panel

Animation: HTML Plus JS

Functionality: Online ShopOrstore

Layout: 2 Posts

Width: 1950px

Installation: Installation and hang up instructions are attached (search for Documentation folder).

Language support: British

Short description: Black is really a synonym of high-quality and reliability based on color psychology, which means this theme will help strengthening your situation in worldwide e-Commerce. Company logo design is appropriately designed and price your attention. Awesome speed bikes are displayed in slider gallery. Reliable brands and product groups are put

onto clickable ad banners. Tooltips show up on hanging Featured items.

Type of shops: Web site was produced for online vehicle and bike spares stores.

Related Groups:
Bike Shop Templates   Cars Website Templates

Demo Download

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